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Our Pricing


For All Classes

A $30, non-refundable annual registration fee applies to all classes for the first student. There is a $10 registration fee for each additional family member.  ALL Drop Classes must be submitted in writing.  There is a 3% Credit Card Fee that is charged on all CC/Debit transactions.

Tuition due - 1st of the month

$10 Late Fee per week after the 7th of the month

These prices are based on monthly tuition that is assessed per season. A season runs September through June each year. Summer classes are available – pricing will vary. For more questions on pricing, please contact us at

Payments can be made via parent portal, cash or check made payable to Formations Dance Center or FDC 

Tuition Fees, Costume Fees, Recital Fees, Annual Registration Fees, etc are NON-REFUNDABLE

$35 Return Check Fee

Students with delinquent accounts will not be permitted to take class

Responsible for payments until written notice of cancellation is given to Formations Dance Center

​10% Discount - 2 Students in Family


15% Discount - 3+ Students in Family (exception of company dancers)


Single Student Unlimited

(5 Hours) - $200 a month 


Family Unlimited (2 Dancers 6.75 Hours Combined) - $265 a month 


Family Unlimited (3+ Dancers 8.25 Hours Combined) - $300 a month


For clarity on your exact situation, please contact us at

Schedules are based on 40 weeks regardless of holidays (Make up classes are available).  A season runs September through May each year.  We also offer summer classes – pricing will vary. 

Combination Classes

Sprouts - $45 a month

Seedlings - $65 a month

Blossoms - $65 a month

Specialty Classes

$45 or $20 as an add on

- Mini Hip Hop

- Musical Theater

- Cheer & Tumble

- Mini Acro (Add On Only)

* 2 Classes $90 a month

Jr/Teen Rates

Based on TOTAL hours taken with applicable classes:

30 Min - $45 a month

45 min - $50 a month

60 Min - $65 a month

75 Min - $70 a month

90 Min - $75 a month

105 Min - $80 a month

120 Min - $85 a month

For additional Hourly Rates, add prices above.  Example: 3 hrs, $85 + $65 = $150 a month​

Acro & Aerial

Acrobatics $50 a month or $25 as an add on to Combo Classes


​Aerial â€‹$65 a month or $45 as an add on to Combo Classes​

Prices reflect insurance, maintenance, etc.

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